Sunday, December 18, 2011


Hey! Well! I'm spending the night with Alaina again! Just wanted to post something because we haven't posted in a while! know...hi and stuff...

~A Squared :D

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Adventures With A Squared!

Hello everyone! We just wanted to update you guys on what's been happening in our lives! So! I am sleeping over at Alaina's house and we realized how many "Adventures" we have been on! So we decided to tell you guys what they are! (we are reeeeeally bored!)

1. Washed Alaina's hair in the bathroom sink...and made a mess
2. I ran into a bathroom stall....and it hurt...
3. Broke a light in our grandparents closet...(it got fixed!)
4. Prank called (and got in BIG trouble!)
5. I spent the night for 2 weeks! (my parents where away)
6. Put clips in Alaina's dad's hair! (when we where 5)
7. Screamed at a frog in the pool
8. Stayed up until 4 in the morning
9. Tried to write a song ( and failed!)

10. MADE A BLOG!!!

There are sooooooo many more that we can't think off the top of our head! But these where just a few of our favorites!!
Post more soon!
~A Squared <3 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Randomness With Alaina!

HeY GuYs!!!!!! Alaina here! Again... Sorry that neither one of us has posted in a loooonnnngggg time!!!!! :( 

I just wanted to tell you guys what's going on in my life!!!!!!
I am backed up with school!!!! (Amanda and I are both home-schooled...) I finally got caught up with math, there is A LOT of reading! I mean I like reading... But when I have to do it, (For some odd reason...) I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!!! And I mean I LOVE, <3, LOVE reading!

And I have some more YouTube videos for you guys! These videos are just random ones that Amanda and I both like:
1. Bulbous Bouffant.

2. 3 year old crying over Justin Bieber


(And now ones that I just like!)
4. How Willy Wonka Should Have Ended

(And if you like the show "So Random" These are my favorite sketches!)
5. So Random! Harry Potter Exclusive Clip

6. M.C. Grammar - So Random - Disney Channel Official

7. so random backup singers 2

8. so random backup singer viestub

And last, but not least!

9. so random sally jensen kid lawyer 2

And there are a few others that I like... But I thought that that list was long enough!
That's it!

~Alaina ;)

Monday, August 8, 2011

O My Goodness!!!!!!!!

What's up everybody?! Alaina here to tell you what just happened to me between the hours of 10:00 PM and 11:00 AM...
Last night my family and I watched "Inception" It's rated PG13, so don't watch it if your not allowed to! (Like you don't know that!) And then this morning at around 11:00 o'clock or so... I FOUND A TICK IN MY HAIR!!!!!!!!
I got it out quickly, but then I threw it down on the ground. So now it could be anywhere!!!! I'm scared to sit down, right I'm in my parent's room.... But it was SO FREAKY!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

AWESOME Youtube Videos About Babies!

Hello!! And welcome to another random post from A Squared! In this post we will be telling you guys (and girls don't get offended!) about awesome Youtube videos! Okay so here we go!!

TOP 5!!!!
1. Charlie bit my finger (everyone knows what that is but we put it up anyway!)
2. I don't like you mommy
3. Best baby laugh
4. Baby sneeze fart
5. Emerson - mommy's nose is scary! (original)

~A Squared

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Stuff That Has Been Happening To Me!

Hey everybody! Alaina here! Sorry that either of us haven't posted in a while! We couldn't really think about what to post, so yeah!

Ok! There has been a lot of stuff happening in my life! (I don't know about Amanda's life though. Haha!)

1: I was helping my mom get something out of her room, and I was rushing to get it to her. Then I stumped my toe on the little thing that holds up the couch... And I think I did something to it. Possibly sprained it or broken it... I don't quite know. All I know is that it still hurts and it's been four days since I did that!
2: My brother just came back from Haiti! He was gone for 8 days, I think. He told me I couldn't sleep in his room, but I did! I know that sounds weird but... he has the best tv in the house, his computer monitor is his tv(so it's bigger than a normal one!), and he has a bigger bed!

That's about it... it's not much, but I wanted to share that with you guys!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Randomness With A Squared

Hey guys!! Sorry we haven't posted in a while! We have been REALLY busy! So this post is just to update y'all on what's happening! We are at our grandparents house right now, but our week has been weird and hectic! (Since I'm writing the post) I got spacers last week and I'm getting braces tomorrow. And Alaina went to an all girl lock-in Firday night. And we both REEEEEAAAALLY want to see the new Winnie-the-Pooh movie the 15th!!!

DON'T EVER GET SPACERS, THEY HUUUURRRRT!!! OK so maybe they don't hurt that bad, but they still hurt! All I could eat was soup. I have screwey teeth...I have to have surgery for them...don't be like normal.

Alaina went to one of her friend's blog, and saw that she had posted a video of her! Alaina was happy! (I don't  know why???)

Ok that was random...
~A Squared

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you guys that I slept for 30 minutes today! Right now, I'm at a friend's house for a sleepover. Me and this other girl didn't go to sleep until 4:30 AM, then... I WOKE UP AT 5:01!!!!! 5:01??!! So... yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna make through the day!!! Anyway, that was on my mind and I decided to blog about it!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

An Accident While Home Alone......

HI EVERYBODY!!!!!!! So, I was just in my kitchen making homemade brownies (No joke!) when all of a sudden.... BOOM!! It sounded like a garbage truck but I didn't think it ran today so, I went to the window and there was a truck with the hood bent upwards and the fender falling off!!! Nobody was hurt!!!! So I called my mom and all she said, "STAY INSIDE!!" (I LOVE my mommy!) So I did! The sheriff came, but just to ask if everybody was ok. So now they are waiting on a tow truck!!! (I hope mater comes! Haha!) Well that's all!! Just wanted to share that with y'all!

P.S. Their family came too!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Stuff that's been happening!!! :)

HELLLOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I just wanted to let y'all know that I am back from North Carolina!! I went for my little brother's soccer tournament! First place in the U10 division baby!!! The ENTIRE southeast!!!!!! And yes I did have fun at Beach Camp! I went with my youth group!! It was soooo much fun!! Maybe Alaina can go with me next year....hmmmmmm......ok well I guess that's about it!!!

~Amanda :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Beach Camp

HELLO!!!!!!! Just letting you guys know that Amanda is at beach camp right now!!! I haven't checked on her yet.... But, I bet she's doing GREAT!!!!!! That's it!!!


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Advice Coloumn

Hi everybody! We just wanted to tell you guys that, we can't really "Set Up" an advice column. So If you guys want our advice, then you write your question in the comments. (And you don't have to put your actual name, you can put a nick-name or anonymous.) Just wanted to let you guys know!

~A Squared

Monday, May 30, 2011

I GOT BANGS!!!!!!!

Hey everybody!!! This is Alaina... And I wanted to tell you guys that I finally got bangs!!!!!!! YES!!!!! You see... At first I just wanted to get my hair cut, you know, cuz it's summer?? So then I decided to get bangs so I could just put it up in a pony-tail without looking like a boy!! LOL!!!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

sharpays fabulous adventure we just finished watching "Sharpays fabulous adventure". It was A LOT better than we thought it would be!!! We loved it!!! it was sooo good!!!! Just wanted to sare that with you guys!!!

~A squared

Monday, May 23, 2011

About us!

Hey!! We (being A squared) created this blog so we can show our friends and family whats up!! We want it to be fun and entertaining to our followers!! So PLEASE!!! Tell us about anything that bothers you or you would like to see posted! We are going to put up an advice column that you can ask ANY questions on!! We would love to see what you think about us or what we put up!! But no rude comments!! and yes...we are awear that we are weird!!! So please don't be mean!! Well thats about it!!

~A Squared