Sunday, July 31, 2011

Stuff That Has Been Happening To Me!

Hey everybody! Alaina here! Sorry that either of us haven't posted in a while! We couldn't really think about what to post, so yeah!

Ok! There has been a lot of stuff happening in my life! (I don't know about Amanda's life though. Haha!)

1: I was helping my mom get something out of her room, and I was rushing to get it to her. Then I stumped my toe on the little thing that holds up the couch... And I think I did something to it. Possibly sprained it or broken it... I don't quite know. All I know is that it still hurts and it's been four days since I did that!
2: My brother just came back from Haiti! He was gone for 8 days, I think. He told me I couldn't sleep in his room, but I did! I know that sounds weird but... he has the best tv in the house, his computer monitor is his tv(so it's bigger than a normal one!), and he has a bigger bed!

That's about it... it's not much, but I wanted to share that with you guys!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Randomness With A Squared

Hey guys!! Sorry we haven't posted in a while! We have been REALLY busy! So this post is just to update y'all on what's happening! We are at our grandparents house right now, but our week has been weird and hectic! (Since I'm writing the post) I got spacers last week and I'm getting braces tomorrow. And Alaina went to an all girl lock-in Firday night. And we both REEEEEAAAALLY want to see the new Winnie-the-Pooh movie the 15th!!!

DON'T EVER GET SPACERS, THEY HUUUURRRRT!!! OK so maybe they don't hurt that bad, but they still hurt! All I could eat was soup. I have screwey teeth...I have to have surgery for them...don't be like normal.

Alaina went to one of her friend's blog, and saw that she had posted a video of her! Alaina was happy! (I don't  know why???)

Ok that was random...
~A Squared

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you guys that I slept for 30 minutes today! Right now, I'm at a friend's house for a sleepover. Me and this other girl didn't go to sleep until 4:30 AM, then... I WOKE UP AT 5:01!!!!! 5:01??!! So... yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna make through the day!!! Anyway, that was on my mind and I decided to blog about it!
